Please scroll down to fill out part two of the from by choosing your membership level

Standard: $1,000

  1. Includes listing on JBN website

  2. Listing in JBN information book handout

  3. Complimentary guest reservation to all in person events

  4. Company logo at events

  5. VIP round-table reception with fellow peer members prior to main event

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Silver: $1,800
Small Business Owners

  1. Includes all basic membership plus

  2. Special JBN online Zoom events with JBN Westchester chapter in addition to all the in-person Long island events

  3. Exclusive invites to Silver only events at leading Long Island businesses with fellow silver members

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Gold: $2,500
C-suite Executives / JBN Presidents Circle

  1. Includes all Silver plus

  2. Two complimentary guest reservations

  3. Participate in the VIP round-table reception with fellow gold peer members prior to main event / exclusive member only gold events

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#3 | $5,000 Diamond
/ Mid-size & Large Companies

  1. All Gold plus

  2. Includes three complimentary guest reservations

  3. Your company brochure given out to all attendees in JBN folder at events

  4. Large sponsorship sign at all events annually



Please Choose Your Membership Level