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Join JBN’s exclusive membership and connect with many of Long Islands top business leaders, in upscale, comfortable, small group settings. Members are invited to VIP member only round-tables and events for small group conversations with fellow peer members and guest speakers.
As the membership funds all go directly to charity, please consider joining the highest level you can.
Thank you for kindly partnering with us to create a brighter better world for all.
May G-d Bless you with an abundance of success in all that you do!
Great way to support a 501c3 charity while getting your business seen by hundreds of Long Island business leaders.
Please choose your annual membership level. Membership includes a number of benefits.
Silver: $1,000
Small Business Owners / Professionals
Includes listing on JBN website
Listing in JBN information book handout
Complimentary guest reservation to all events
Company logo at events
VIP round-table reception with fellow silver peer members prior to main event
Gold: $1,800
C-suite Executives
Includes all Silver
Two complimentary guest reservations
Participate in the VIP round-table reception with fellow gold peer members prior to main event / exclusive member only gold events
#3 | $5,000 Diamond
/ Mid-size & Large Companies
All Gold plus
Includes three complimentary guest reservations
Your company brochure given out to all attendees in JBN folder at events
Can set up a table information booth at events with large sign and give out handouts
#4 | $7,500 Leadership
All Diamond plus
Invite to VIP with Keynote speakers prior to each event
Includes annual corporate sponsorship to all events
Company executive has opportunity to speak at the opening of events.
Can choose to participate by request in preferred groups