Tuesday, December 12, 2023:
6:00 PM Cocktail Hour
6:45 PM Welcome words and Reception Dinner
7:00 PM Menorah Lighting & Award Ceremony
8:00 PM Dessert & Cocktails with a live concert
The Jewish Business Network invites you to join many of Long Islands leading CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs for a special unity breakfast event dedicated to supporting our brothers and sisters in the holy land of Israel. Join us and show your support of Israel. Attendance funds from this event, plus donations, will be given to Israel. Delicious breakfast served.
Schedule: Starting with a round-table reception conversation offering an exclusive opportunity to connect with fellow Long Island visionary business leaders from a wide range of industries in an upscale small group setting. Share about your unique business, exchange best business strategies / advice on success and leadership, and learn current market trends from leaders in a wide range of LI businesses, followed by the main event with the featured guest speakers.
Main Event featured Guest Speakers:
We are honored to welcome as panel speakers Matthew Wolf, CEO of Contract Pharmacal Corp, recognized as a "Top Long Island Work Place”, CPC is a leader in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Special remarks on Israel by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Founder of the Meaningful Life Center, world renowned author of Toward a Meaningful Life, and publisher of the weekly Algemeiner Journal. His book has sold more than 500,000 copies and has been translated into Hebrew, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, German, Hungarian, Polish and Czech. Keynote Topic: What can i do for Israel? with Q & A