Jewish Presidents Organization

The Jewish Presidents Organization is an exclusive community offering an amazing platform for Long Island visionaries, entrepreneurs, investors, and executives to share best practices in business, philanthropy, investing, and daily life.

Connect and learn from the brightest minds with your personal peer Group.

The Jewish Presidents Organization is an exclusive community of Long Island leading CEOs, Entrepreneurs, and Executives - level leaders to connect and learn from the brightest minds in business, investments, and philanthropy.

A peer learning community that takes on topics that matter most to our Members.

The JPO community offers a number of event options and opportunities for our members


C-level executive Circle

An exclusive peer learning community of leading Long Island CEOs, Entrepreneurs, & C-level executives seeking a world-class network of trusted peers. Our forum opens its doors for CEOs, presidents, & influential business owners, to forge long lasting sincere relationships in upscale comfortable small group settings, enhanced with Jewish values & philanthropy.

Leadership topics in growing business, marketing, talent, legal, and scale.


Professional Referral Network

The JPO Network is a high-level referral network helping members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program.

JPO’s referral network offers an unparalleled opportunity to make valuable business connections.



JPO’s Industry groups offers a unique opportunities to connect with industry experts, to hear valuable insights and latest trends, while making valuable connections.

This is a great opportunity if you’re looking to network to learn trends in specific industries that interest you.

your jpo community - ALL Upcoming morning Events

your jpo community - ALL Upcoming after hours Events

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